Écrivez-nous 8525 Boulevard Décarie, Montréal, QC, H4P 2J2
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Lun - Ven Sur rendez-vous
Sam - Dim Fermé
Dealership hours of operation
Lun - Ven Sur rendez-vous
Sam - Dim Fermé

La couverture de la collection MC20 et Trofeo se poursuit

fr:Art of fast Archives - Maserati Montreal

La couverture de la collection MC20 et Trofeo se poursuit

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Coverage of the MC20 and Trofeo collection continues as the North American ‘Art of Fast’ tour winds down this Sunday, November 8 in the Los Angeles area, with media previews in Santa Monica and Pasadena.   The show vehicles continue to impress media and customers alike.   If you missed the “Meet the Experts” sessions, you […]

Catégories : Trofeo, News, MC20


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